Biden’s authorization for airstrikes in Yemen without legislative permission infuriates Democrats, who call it a “unacceptable violation of the Constitution.”

Biden's authorization for airstrikes in Yemen
Biden’s authorization for airstrikes in Yemen | Image Credit:

President Biden was chastised by a number of Democrats on Capitol Hill on Thursday for carrying out airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen without receiving consent from Congress, citing the action’s unconstitutionality.

“Before attacking the Houthis in Yemen and drawing us into another Middle East (sic) conflict, the President ought to address Congress,” Representative Ro Khanna tweeted. That is the Constitution’s Article I. Regardless matter whose party is in the White House, I will continue to defend that.

“POTUS may only introduce the US into hostilities after Congressional authorization or in a national emergency when the U.S. is under imminent attack,” the California Democrat said. “Section 2C of the War Powers Act is clear on this point. “Writing reports is not a replacement. This is an offensive act of retaliation.

Rep. Val Hoyle (D-Ore.) tweeted in support of Khanna, saying, “These airstrikes have NOT been authorised by Congress.” The Constitution makes it clear that only Congress has the power to approve military engagement in foreign wars. Regardless of party, every president must first appear before Congress and request military authorization.

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The leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), referred to the bombing campaign spearheaded by the US and the UK as “an unacceptable violation of the Constitution.”

She went on, “Article 1 requires that military action be authorised by Congress.”

Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) voiced his concern that the US would “get entangled into another decades-long conflict without Congressional authorization” as a result of Biden’s actions in Yemen.

He emphasised, “Before continuing these airstrikes in Yemen, the White House must work with Congress.”

The far-left “Squad” of congressional members, led by Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.), referred to the attacks as “illegal” and pleaded on the 81-year-old president to “stop the bombing and do better by us.”

She tweeted, “The people do not want more of our tax dollars to be used for killing civilians and unending war.”

The Yemen offensive was also denounced by Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), who has previously charged Biden of encouraging “genocide” against Palestinians.

She called the bombings unlawful and tweeted, “The American people are tired of endless war.”

The Houthis, who are supported by Iran, launched a slew of drone and missile assaults against commercial ships in the Red Sea prior to the attacks against Yemen.

A senior administration official told reporters on Thursday that “the United States carries a special, historic obligation to help protect and defend these arteries of global trade and commerce.”

And this conduct is entirely consistent with that custom. Both our national security and national defence strategies blatantly reflect that. The president holds this to be a core belief, and we are willing to uphold it.
